Friday, July 20, 2007

Our Trip to Florida

Melanie and I took the kids to Florida for a week's holiday. It was our first trip together as a family and our first vacation since we went on our honeymoon. (Today is our fifth anniversary!). We had actually given up on the idea of going away until we found a great deal online. So we booked our holiday and prepared to visit Mickey Mouse and all his friends at Disney World. Our flight was to leave Toronto at 6:30 a.m. on July 8 (my birthday) and we were also attending Melanie's cousin's wedding the night previous. So when the alarm went off at 3:00 a.m. it was a bit of a struggle to get up. However, we made it to the airport on time and were on our way to Orlando in no time. The flight was smooth and we arrived to the stifling heat of Orlando shortly after 10:00 a.m. The heat was incredible. It was 93F/34C on the coolest day! And that did not include the humidity which made it feel a heck of a lot warmer. Thank goodness for the big, beautiful pool at our hotel which allowed us to stand the heat! We then spent the week touring the various Disney attractions and trying to keep our cool. Hannah really loved meeting the Disney princesses. Seeing her eyes when she met up with them was the highlight for Melanie and I as well. Brendan enjoyed himself too. He was jumping into the pool on his own before we left! Here are some photos of the highlights of our trip to Florida. You can see all of them by clicking on th Flickr Badge I've added on the blog.

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