Saturday, May 12, 2007

Guess Who's Coming for Dinner

We (Simon and Melanie) have been in our home for five years now and the same year that we moved in, a family moved into the house next door. We have become very good friends with the Pizarro's who come to us by way of Bolivia and England. Wilson (very Bolivian sounding name don't you think?!?!) and Amanda our good friends and neighbours for the past five years have moved. We are sad to see them go. Hannah will especially miss their young daughter Felicity. They are only a few months apart and have become great friends. So we had the Pizarro's over for dinner to celebrate our friendship. We had a fondue and everyone was stuffed by the end. Amanda kept saying just one more bite but she kept coming back for more! I guess the dinner was a success! In the picture below you can see us getting into the fruit and chocolate part of the dinner. That was everyone's favourite I think! But it isn't a tearful good-bye. Thankfully our good friends are only moving less than 1 Km away. Here is a photo of the dinner and one from Google Earth showing their new location.

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