Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Heel and Toe and Kick!

Last summer Hannah started Irish dancing classes and she is really enjoying them. She had seen the Irish dancing on our wedding video and had watched the Riverdance video my mom and dad have and she decided that's what she wanted to do. So every Tuesday evening I bundle her up, dancing shoes and all and head off to the beginners class at the Finnegan School of Irish Dance. Patricia Finnegan is one of my dad's former geography students who was a competitive Irish dancer around the same time Shauna was. I was on the school's website to see if their is class tonight (the kids are on a school holiday this week, so I wasn't sure if it was a holiday from dance class as well-it isn't) and found this picture of the beginner class. Have a look who is front and centre!

1 comment:

OCarrollClan said...

How do your grandchildren see you? While viewing the blog picture of Hannah doing the Irish dancing I told her that granny used to do it when she was a little girl. She looked at me quite puzzled and said "Oh! no granny only Aunt Shauna and I are Irish and can do Irish dancing". Hannah I said "daddy, papa John and I were born in Ireland so therefore that makes us Irish". She looked at me unbelieving and said "oh! no granny you are Indian". On that note I decided to leave well enough alone. Perhaps she sees me as one of the Indian princesses in one of her Disney movies!!!