Sunday, February 4, 2007

Down on the Farm?

A great place to visit is the Snugborough Heights Avoca Bed & Breakfast. Not only does Sadie offer gourmet food and wonderful accomodation but the wee Northerner she is married to has a special place for young and old alike outside. Hidden amongst the wonderful scenery is a home for goats. There have been many in the past few years including a special one called Kay. Yes, you might wonder if that has anything to do with me? Not only was I there at her conception but I arrived for a holiday the day she was born. So in a manner of speaking she brought her name with her. Sadly to say I was also there when she left for good a year later. John does wonderful work raising the goats and then they are sent to Bora to help a poor family become self sufficient. So Kay is now basking in 30dg heat while I am freezing in 25dg below in Canada. Another great benefit from goat rearing is the milk they produce. Take note of how trim and young John looks and that radiant skin he has, but I still have to find out if it makes him as frisky as the goats!! In this picture is John, Kay (baby goat) and Kay (human)!


OCarrollClan said...

Kay you look great in that photo. You don't look too bad either mom ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a "smart-alec" my son is!

Anonymous said...

you've come a long way from the Antrim Rd Mrs....Ye havin' a laugh?
