Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Interview

I was recently interviewed about a project that I conducted with my students here in Canada and a teacher and his class in London, England. We are both RE teachers and we teamed our students up to work on an environmental project from the perspective of a Catholic moral response to the environment. I was interviewed along with my partner from England by Chris Betcher, a leading educator in Australia who broadcasts a podcast called the Virtual Staffroom. If you're interested you can have a listen to it here.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summa Cum Laude!

Hannah has completed her first year of education and Friday, June 22nd was graduation day at the Cherish Nursery School! Unfortunately I was unable to attend the ceremonies but Melanie, Granny Kay, and Papa John were there to cheer on our little scholar. There was a slide show of the graduating class that assigned each student a nick-name. They obviously haven't heard her at home! Here are a few shots of the occasion which included a cake with a picture of the '07 graduating class.

Hannah with diploma and mommy!

Our Scholar!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Ciao! The O'Carroll's in Italia!

I got an email from Cathal and he sent along some photos of the family trip to Italy. Looks like they enjoyed themselves.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Neighbours Moved In

We've had a new neighbour move in across the road from us. This is an unusual neighbour however. She stays outside all day and all night! She has become quite popular in the neighbourhood, drawing many visitors to her new home, and it is not because she doesn't wear any clothes! Our new neigbour is a trumpeter swan. She arrived a few weeks ago much to the surprise of everyone. There is a pond across the road from us and she has taken up residence there. There are more people than usual going for walks around the pond. She seems to quite like the attention or perhaps it's the bread that some bring to her. The kids really love going to see her on our nightly walk around the pond. There is also a family of ducks sharing this residence. Seems that this neighbourhood is for the birds!